Friday, November 12, 2021

What is fintech? How does it affect the users?

Fintech is also known as financial technology. It’s a catch-all term for any technology that's used to augment, streamline, digitize or disrupt traditional financial services. 


Financial technology has been around for decades, but over the last few years, fintech companies have revolutionized the way people interact with financial services.

Fintech refers to software, algorithms, and applications for both computer and mobile-based tools. In some cases, it includes hardware, too-- like smart, connected piggy banks or virtual reality (VR) tending platforms. The best fintech companies enable the run of tasks like depositing checks, moving money among accounts, paying bills, or applying for financial aid. They also encompass technically intricate concepts like peer-to-peer lending or crypto exchanges.

Best Fintech Companies


The financial services sector isn’t typically synonymous with nimbleness. But today, adaptability and quick iteration is precisely what consumers and business owners expect and increasingly need.  

Fintech helps expedite processes that once took days, weeks, or even months, like requesting a credit score report or sending in an international money transfer. There has been speculation about how fintech might help expedite traditionally red-tape-bound processes like distributing economic stimulus funds.  


Fintech also holds the potential to improve financial inclusion: in some parts of the world, fintech fills needs for the unbanked, where governmental or institutional support is lacking. 


Now you are thinking about whether it is safe to use or not. The idea that the fintech companies adhere to some kind of higher moral standard than the big banks is also proving largely illusory. To date, there is no consensus on exactly how safe fintech solutions are across the board. Such assurances will likely be difficult to come by, given the scope and scale of fintech proliferation. 


Fintech is officially a major player in the global economy, business landscape, and fabric of modern society at large. The field is widespread and rapidly growing and it appears to stay here for long. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

What is a trade finance platform and what does it do?

Trade finance represents the financial instruments and products that are used by companies to facilitate international trade and commerce. Trade finance makes it possible and easier for importers and exporters to transact business through trade. Trade finance is an umbrella term meaning it covers many financial products that banks and companies utilize to make trade transactions feasible.

Trade finance represents the financial instruments and products that are used by companies to facilitate international trade and commerce.

Trade finance makes it possible and easier for importers and exporters to transact business through trade. It can help reduce the risk associated with global trade by reconciling the divergent needs of an exporter and importer.

Are you looking for the best trade finance platform? Know the advantages first.

Best trade finance Platform

The function of trade finance is to introduce a third party to transactions to remove the payment risk and the supply risk. Trade finance provides the exporter with receivables or payments according to the agreement while the importer might be extended credit to fulfill the trade order. 

The parties involved in trade finance are numerous and can include: banks, trade finance companies, importers and exporters, insurers. 

The benefits of using a trade finance platform

Trade finance ensures fewer delays in payments and in shipments allowing both importers and exporters to run their businesses and plan their cash flow more efficiently. Think of trade finance as using the shipment or trade of goods as collateral for financing the company's growth.

Trade finance allows companies to increase their business and revenue through trade. Through export financing or help from private or governmental trade finance agencies, the exporter can complete the order 

Without trade financing, a company might fall behind on payments and lose a key customer or supplier that could have long-term ramifications for the company. Having options like revolving credit facilities and accounts receivables factoring can not only help companies transact internationally but also help them in times of financial difficulties.

An Ultimate Guide to Secured Overnight Financing Rate

The financial world is constantly progressing, and one of the current modifications is the transition from LIBOR (London Inter-bank Offered ...